Revance Aesthetics

Art Direction

Elevated beauty meets cutting edge technology in this biotech company, home of two B2B product lines and one software suite.

Building swiftly as Art Director in a remote startup studio environment included brand management, team supervision, concept development, social media, journey mapping, storyboards, and more.

Brand Guidelines

Working with stakeholders to create a detailed 49-page Brand Guidelines helped to establish accessible global guidelines,  allowing for greater interpretive creativity among the sub-brands.

Serving as the direct connection between HCPs and products and services, the Revance Aesthetics brand acted as an umbrella. An overarching look and feel governed the visuals and messaging to ensure consistent styling between brands. 


Global HQ & Experience Center

Tasked with combining hands-on curiosity and intelligent sophistication into an enriching experience, I developed concepts and specs for several interactive areas located throughout the Corporate Headquarters and Experience Center in Nashville.

Many technical plans, dimensional layouts, drawings, and mockups were created for a variety of areas, with an aim to engage and educate about specific product offerings and the science and technology that fuels them.

Sub-Brand Concept Walls

Branded walls were developed about each product or service offered, including iPads, product displays, and moveable, hands-on elements. 

Covering the service segment, the OPUL wall gives users a chance to try the software firsthand with iPad stations. The minimalist setting reiterates the simplicity of the software itself.

The wall for the RHA Collection, a filler product, offers visual samples of the products that users can “feel” the difference between, as well as commercial screen, packaging and vial visuals, and iPad tablets.

A darker wall reflects the branding of Daxxify, the Botulinum product. Users can view dimensional mockups of the science behind the product, with stages of the process represented in moving sculpture. 

Interactive Product Display

Adjacent to the main lobby is the Product Display wall, full of information about both consumer products offfered by Revance. 

All points were covered in the concept, from the shelf configurations to what should go on the shelves. See below for details of some items:

Options for a tactical experience - different ways to feel variations of viscosity in filler collections.
3D peptide - signature ingredient in toxin product. Digital rendering developed from my initial artwork.
Sculpture concept and plans to show each stage of scientific reaction that occurs in our toxin product.

Selfie & Photoshoot Area Concepts

Several (beautifully lit) areas around the Global HQ were designated “Selfie Spots.” A few initial concepts:

“Backstage Photoshoot”
Mimicking the backstage environment of a TV or fashion show, visible lighting, costumes and props frame the sliding background. 

“Framed Green Wall”
A branded, white frame is a fresh contrast against a lush green wall. 

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Booth Concepts & Design

Conveying elevated luxury in a trade-show auditorium requires detailed organization and expert execution. By using a spectrum of resources (lighting, signage, luxe elements), I aimed to create an inviting oasis and richly immersive experience.

Side-by-Side Video Wall Concept
With two separate areas that are differentiated by colors and tones, medical and commercial segments are related but not intermixed. 

Featuring stunning lighting, storage seating bench with selfie backdrop, an option for open bars on sides as well as a choice for a closed back wall or walk-through option depending on the booth’s location in the convention hall.

Selfie Concept
An open “O” shape with header features four selfie settings, 2 inside and 2 outside, studio-quality lighting, an interior table with bench and storage, and floating logo on top, dramatically lit.

Black & White Concept
Open shape with selfie setting, two distinct areas, an interior table and bench with storage, and incorporating branded design elements.

Tri Interactive Kiosk Concept
Voice-enabled touch screens on two sides (one each for commercial and medical), and a third side with interactive ipad experiences and general information.

Video Floor Concept
Interactive screen in place of booth responds to voice and touch commands. Users can play commercials, ring attendant, and get product info from screen.


Social Media

My team and I built numerous concepts, storyboards, and design for a variety of Instagram posts, stories, and reels for several themed social campaigns. Interactive templates were created and utilized for cross- and co-branding with our product and service brands. The Setting the New Standard campaign was used across brands to unify and convey our global mission and reinforce our position in the market.

Revance Aesthetics


RHA Collection



With a high volume and a demand for fast turnaround, presentation videos, social reels, and sizzle videos were built quickly from themed concepts, and then storyboarded with footage clips, timing specifications, and music/soundtrack selections before approval and transfer to the video production team. Pictured here is the storyboard and video for an introductory sizzle reel for Revance Aesthetics.


Training & Education

Used as tools for HCPs and distributed at on-site events at the Global Headquarters and Experience Center, Revance Aesthetics’ printed materials were widespread. Often intended for long-term use by practitioners, these educational materials satisfy a dual purpose as reference and brand reminder.


Over 60 presentations were built annually for dozens of speakers at a variety of events. Supporting presenters in all departments, including consumer brands, sales, executives, investors, and medical affairs, the range of decks spanned all points of business. While supervising a Junior Presentation Designer, a template system was established in PowerPoint to maintain consistency throughout numerous decks.

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(404) 822-5345